How to Choose the Right Home Tutor?

Hiring a private tutor for your child is an excellent way to accelerate his/her learning. It is our responsibility as parents to make sure our child gets the right afterschool support. The syllabus is wider, concepts tough and the learning behaviour has changed making it more difficult for us to help our children in their studies. They need professional help so parents are often concerned about how to find tutor. Professional tutors help children cope with the tense created by this vast syllabus. They give them tips and tricks making them understand the topics well and faster. Many parents are frustrated; they are unable to get the right tutor for their child. Professional tutors are available but they have different qualifications and degrees. To help the many frustrated parents willing to support their child’s studies by hiring the perfect tutor here is a list of some tips for you.

  1. Know your goals

First, ask yourself and the child’s teacher whether the child needs an intensive remediation or homework help? What is the area you want your child to improve, given subjects, all subjects, motivation or study skills? What is the best learning style of your child? Does he/she learn best by listening, reading, touching or moving? Does he/she do well with men or women? What motivates him/her? and lastly how much money are you willing to spend on his/her after school support?

  1. Know the available options

Share your concern with the child’s school counsellor or teacher. Some schools have a list of professional tutors they can recommend. You can also find tutors in local newspapers, they list their credentials here to advertise their expertise. Ask friends for a retired teacher or a professional tutor they know. If your child has computer know how you can look for online tutors. Always ask the available tutors their academic qualifications and whether your child will fit in their profile.

  1. Price, payment, and set policies

Actually, the price is the determining factor for many parents. Be different go for value, not cheap services. An expensive tutor may be the right one for your child. Don’t go for too expensive tutors where you can’t be able to fund the services offered for as long as your child needs them. Ask the tutor his or her payment policies to avoid unplanned disconnection of the service. Does he/she offer postpay or prepay service and what is the best for you? What form of payment does he/she accept? What are the cancellation policies?

  1. Testing your options

After you have details of the available options test their credentials. What is his/her educational background? What is his/her teaching experience? Which tutoring methods does he/she offer? Does he/she offer customized child evaluation? What does he/she expect from you? Where does he/she do the tutoring and at what time? Is there someone you can contact to know his/her experience with his tutor?

  1. Partner for better results

If you have time attend some sessions with your child, know if he/she is comfortable with it or not. If he/she isn’t comfortable don’t hesitate to look for another tutor. Monitor your child’s progress, is he/she improving or not? Progress should be seen should be seen in the first few weeks.